Thin White Duck

I never would've put them together but Iggy and Homme together make so. much. fucking. sense. I love what I've heard so far and if this really is the last Iggy record, sounds like he'll go out on top.

Wait, there are continuity errors on The Simpsons? The show that retconned an entire decade for one shitty episode?

Stereogum, stop trying to make The 1975 happen. It's not going to happen.

So… Grammy Album of the Year 2017?

This is coming from a huge fan…

"It's about a woman with no face that took care of a frog, a pig, a dog that plays the piano, and an alien named Gonzo that fucked chickens."

Network television tackling Black Lives Matter? Let's get ready for all them rational, level-head reactions, shall we?

It definitely sounds like porn for hate-watchers that's for damn fuckin' sure.

Absolutely, everything from here on out is gonna be copycats. And every time someone breaks the mold we see that. Look at the glut of "dark, gritty" superhero movies after Nolan's Batmans.

I get you're being sarcastic, but I'd actually argue that's exactly why it made so much money. By being an R-rated installment of a very PG-13 universe, it presented something audiences hadn't seen before, so it felt fresh.

All I can say is the '03 TV movie definitely did *not* scare the shit out of a prepubescent Thin White Duck. Repeat: did not.

Dennis Duffy was right. Technology IS cyclical.

Will he know how to make 90° turns while running away from a collapsing spaceship, though?

Won't be watching. Nothing will ever be as legendary as Blue Jean Committee's induction.

So NBC tells Tina Fey they aren't in the market for high concept with Kimmie Schmidt then goes around and picks this thing up? Something tells me tomorrow's daily Pohler-Fey FaceTime is gonna be a little rocky.

Huge fan of Silicon Valley's intro, too. Mostly because it's so zippy and jam-packed with little tech jokes that I see something new every time I watch it.

As soon as the new Late Show credits played during Stephen's first episode, every last little worry I had that maybe the show wouldn't be that great after all completely evaporated. He nailed it and those credits prove it every night.

*psst* Seth Galifianakis is Zach's comedy alter ego. He did a full episode of Between Two Ferns as "Seth" once.

I'm sorry but that review might be the most accurate description of Jet's music I've ever seen.

I don't know, I'm usually put off by feel-goody movies. But this one was just so damn sincere that the happy ending didn't ring false to me at all.