Thin White Duck

This isn't quite as gleefully bonkers as I'd hoped, based on the one promo image I saw of Ludacris sitting in the forest with what looked like a sentient drain clog.

"What would I rather see less: Chelsea Handler's nipples or her Netflix talk show?" - Billy Eichner

I actually made $100 that day since we were on set for ten hours. Plus, it's a great story to tell at parties and amuse people very, very mildly.

Also went through the shaving and sideburn-gluing. So I'm technically not lying when I tell people "this one time Richard Linklater needed me to shave my face with a cheap plastic razor in a public bathroom."

Spent a day as an extra for this. I should be easy to spot too. Of the dopey-looking disco club patrons I'm certainly the dopiest.

And then there was Ted Cruz…

Someone wanna tell me where the fuck Porkins is?

To Pimp a Butternut Squash

Don't know where you heard it was supposed to air a year ago. It premiered at SXSW in March, yeah, but with the understanding that TBS had just ordered a full season that was supposed to air around now. It only got delayed a couple months.

What about Jan Michael Vincent?

I know comedy is subjective, but I find Clickhole more consistently funny these days than The Onion. I don't know who's "yelling at cloud" here, is what I'm trying to say.

That Pinocchio scene is seriously some proto-body horror shit. I maintain that those of us who still freak out over any Cronenberg-esque transformation in horror movies are still dealing with the trauma of Pinocchio.

Here is a famous person that you know in a fake beard. Please laugh.

I must be the Ben Wyatt to "It Follows"'s Lil' Sebastian. Everyone loves it and I know I probably should but my gut reaction after seeing it was "it's JUST a small horse." Or horror movie. Analogies?

You've had worse ideas, Internet

Much as I love Mellon Collie, I'd honestly give the edge to Siamese Dream for being just as creative and having just as much range while being far, far more concise.

What about a 28-year-old albino man named Ken who does improvised hip hop?

At the end of the day, I always figure that whatever exposure their business gains from the show outweighs the frustration (but never humiliation) they themselves get from dealing with Nathan

Oh my god this is adorable. But, real talk, I'm kind of amazed Nathan was willing to "break character." Even when he interviews on huge outlets like Kimmel (which I realize he knew would become part of the Dumb Starbucks episode) he never really tips his hand. Like his producers/obvious influencers, Tim and Eric, he

I was at the SXSW premier and was dumbfounded by how enthusiastically the crowd was receiving it. It was a dud for me on practically every level.