Thin White Duck

Maybe Krumholtz will finally top his work in the sublime Santa Clause 2


So much sweat! 'Specially in Killing Them Softly.

Ben Mendelsohn and Scoot McNairy's scenes together in Killing Them Softly are fucking fantastic.

I know, truth be told I'm a pretty big fan of his. He's even made some great beats for A$AP Rocky. But good god, his recent rock producing (U2, Black Keys) is boring as hell.

The Grey Album is still amazing shit. Good thing that Danger Mouse guy kept making interesting music and never produced The Black Keys into oblivion.

But who will Piece of Toast play?

Labeling his role in one of Kanye's very best videos as "back up dancer" is like calling Mona Lisa a "background extra" in some Da Vinci painting.

Ho HO!

*listens to recording*

And here… we… GO.

It's a weird/amazing feeling when you realize that the two funniest AND most affecting shows on TV right now are animated.

Swear to god I didn't realize that song wasn't actually Heartbreaker for a solid two minutes. This man is a god.

Too precious by a mile. It's a send up of bloody, sex-crazy 80's slasher movies with absolutely none of either. It felt safe in all the wrong ways. Some funny moments, mostly from Thomas Middleditch, but the whole film felt really flat. I don't want a PG-13 satire of an R-rated genre.

I was at that SXSW screening and kinda thought it was shit… I think I was in the minority, apparently

Any of the "I don't really know anything about sports phrases" from Kyle Mooney's video, "Sporty."

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it."

Honestly, the "talented indie director immediately jumps to blockbuster" model seems to have produced more duds than hits. For every James Gunn success, there are two or three Marc Webbs, Gavin Hoods, and Josh Tranks.

Michael McKean played J. Edgar in the stage show and I'd be pretty jazzed if he returned for this

Poor casting. If that kid's supposed to be a young Jost, his face isn't nearly punchable enough.