Thin White Duck

I love Act of Killing, but I'd wager that this is the better film. One of the things that made Act of Killing feel so unique is how it was almost dared you to find entertainment in it. This film presents you with the reality at face value and all there is to find is despair.

If we don't get LCD's "You Wanted a Hit" tomorrow or Friday, I will eat my hat. And if we don't, none of you will ever know if I go through with that or not.

Not "Spider-Man Too: 2 Many Spider-Men" starring Titus Andromedon, so I don't care anyway

Heh. It's two things.

I know giving Tom Hanks an Oscar nomination is as close to a cop-out by now as giving Streep one, but damn if he didn't actually, honest-to-god deserve it for this

I have no opinion on Lily Allen.

Clearly a true *Erykah Badu* fan right here

Heh. It's two things.

This looks fine, but if we're talking about this year's Tig Notaro documentaries, Knock Knock was amazing. It toes the line between doc and comedy special but it's still hilarious and sweet and it's certainly a must watch.

They had some pretty gorgeous illustrations too. Not childish, but creepy and fanciful in a way that still gets me as I remember my fond childhood memories of them

I can never get over how Asa Butterfield looks 100% like his name should be Asa Butterfield

Whoa there. "Neighbors" is a pretty decent movie with Seth Rogen. "The Neighbors" is Tommy Wiseau's new TV show. Careful where you fling that "The," son.

Reznor is seriously in contention for realest motherfucker alive. After he won the Grammy for "Wish" he said his tombstone should read "Reznor: Died. Said 'fistfuck.' Won a Grammy." Now he's got his Oscar.

Still seriously baffled that people are offended that bad things are still happening to good people on this show…

Was lucky enough to catch this at SXSW and it was really funny. Dare say I'm in love with it?

How was nobody talked about Ice Cube Head so clearly being Justin Roiland doing his best "Rick and Morty" stammering improvising?

My immediate thought was "How hard is it to google 'Beatles Discography,' go to the Wikipedia page, and read '12 studio albums' at the top of the damn page?"

Always a good reminder for, as soaringly high as the highs on White were, there were some pretty damn low lows.

St. Vincent, man

I saw this movie with my family in theaters, little kids and all, and we all hated it and thought it was a pretty ugly movie. I've never been able to put my finger on why, but that right there is certainly it.