Thin White Duck

There are dozens of us. Dozens.

"Roo doot doo, doot doot doo" - how I imagine all Helms vocals sound

Isn't Qyburn working on zombifying The Mountain? Like, didn't Qyburn basically say as much after The Mountain almost died while skull fucking Oberyn Martell?

It deserves mentioning that Kevin James is in this and somehow it's only the second shittiest thing he's in to hit theaters this month.

However good or bad the original was, the soundtrack was FIRE. Seriously, there's some real good stuff on there…

I see you mentioned this first and cede credit, but I'll leave my comment, only in the name of raising awareness for a bygone tradition.

Where's our hula-hooping Peter Dinklage? Back in my day, that used to be standard for all articles involving Wizard of Oz reboots no one wants.

Say whatever you will about the album as a whole, "SMUCKERS" is still quite possibly the best track he's ever released.

Look man, it's got Bradley Whitford being eaten by a mermaid. Sometimes that's all you need.

This guy's music got infinitely more interesting after he stopped pretending he was edgy and just embraced being a weird kid from the suburbs who can actually direct to boot.

Something tells me this won't be quite as popular as whatever the next sci-fi film Oscar Isaac and Domhnall Gleeson do together might be.

See that's exactly why it's so much better than the garbage everyone thought it would be. It takes the humanist route over the violent one every time and the result is something pretty damn affecting.

Actually pretty thrilled The Grey is on here. I'm convinced the people who shit on it are ones who saw the marketing, thought it was just "Liam Neeson punches Wolves" and never gave it the time of day. It's definitely the best, most thoughtful thing to come out of latter-day Neeson's career.

And they decided that trying to be mainstream glam in 2015 was somehow a good idea.

I'd sell a non-essential body part of Spencer Krug's choosing to get a Wolf Parade reunion

And yet… M83?

Thought the same thing. And when I read that their entry on Spoon was all about "consistency" (which, fine, that's true, and Spoon does rock) I couldn't help but read that as a flagrant middle finger to the Strokes. As amazing and more deserving of that spot as they are, no one could exactly call The Strokes

The Dallas date is the same night as Courtney Barnett's Dallas show so… sorry boys.

Creative Control was decent. Reggie was the best part, like most everything he's involved with

A well-timed "eeeeYIT'S BEEN" in the middle of everyday conversation never fails to make me laugh. The more unexpected the better.