Thin White Duck

That dumbed down title is the "Edge of Tomorrow" of Today

I kind of hated this, Internet.

I say this as a diehard Strokes fan, but if tomorrow doesn't have at least one song of theirs (Last Nite vs American Girl or Razorblade vs that Barry Mannilow song) I'll be shocked.

The Black List: James Spader's List of Favorite Scripts to Read While Wearing a Fedora

I got a really nasty case of Neon Demon on my last trip to Guatemala.

"You ever fired your gun into the air while going 'Fa-la-la'?"
"No, Danny, I have never fired my gun into the air while going 'Fa-la-la.'"

Cool! I'm really excited for the latest vaguely super racist installment of Kevin Hart teaching white people "how to black."

Swear to God I misread "Fillion" as "Fielder" and thought the show might finally get a dose of creativity for once. Alas.

My aunt lives in upstate New York and doesn't do much but watch CBS crime shows. This should literally make her decade.

As a fellow resident, seconded

Student later has finger bitten off by "Gollum." Student receives band-aid from school nurse; "Gollum" revealed to be standard West Texas meth-head.

Can the lovin' be scientifically verified by the Asian dude from Mythbusters?

Pedantry alert.

All I know is I saw this trailer before Inherent Vice and I was like "who is this fucker?" until I saw it was Martin Starr. The lack of greasy hair and/or goatee threw me. I dunno. I'm hella drunk right now. I love you all.

No, Speed Racer, no!

Leslie Jones: "Who you gonna… *stares at cue card for exorbitantly long time* … call? AM I RIGHT, LADIES?!"

This Smith guy's cred is free-fallin'.

Spike Lee angrily tweets Kidz Bop's home address.

I know that foreign directors remaking their own films for American audiences is usually a recipe for disaster, and I'm sure (or at least I hope) Bong Joon-Ho has his sights set on something higher right now…

What a godd ddamn ddunce