Thin White Duck

This and Boy Next Door both get grades higher than the C-/D+ I expected and I'm just sitting here wondering if I'm taking fucking crazy pills.

This thing looked like some "Wicker Man" shit. As soon as I can see this for zero dollars, I'm fucking there man.

His solitary scene in the first Jump Street movie was not only the highlight of that film but a highlight for cameos in general and a highlight of pretty much the entire second half of his career.

Fun fact: Leslie Knope stitched the quilt on the cover while the band was in Pawnee last year.

Damn "New Wave" is on some Song of the Year shit. And we're still in January.

There are precious few things left in this world as gleefully unpredictable as this show.

Seems like the appropriate crew to handle this topic.

*Michael Bluth opens list*
Well, I don't know what I was expecting.

Hey James Cameron, let's promise that in ten years from today, we'll meet again, and we'll see what kind of movies Avatar has blossomed into.

If Wu-Tang is sending a single pressing of their new album to a museum, I demand that the SNL museum contains a vinyl pressing of Buckwheat Sings just to keep up.

I always love seeing Spoon on a lineup. And not just because its placement creates wonderful fake scenarios like "Belle & Sebastian spoon the War on Drugs."

This reminds me of when they sold Ian Curtis' kitchen table on eBay. Suicide is not glamorous and it's definitely not cool. It's tragic and some people just can't respect that apparently.

T-Mobile, Target, and the ilk all breathe sighs of relief, safe in the knowledge they'll soon have more inoffensive, vaguely "hip" pop tunes to soundtrack their commercials.

My first AVC comment gets me an upvote and a reply from the HBO CEO of Tits. I'll count that as a victory.

The Strokes - "You Only Live Once"