Mikrotik vs Ubiquiti is a rough battle.
Completely misses the point. This is a good “teachable moment”.
There are dozens of WiFi channels - all on different non-interfering frequencies (“channels”). Most routers can automatically find the “cleanest” channel and use it - you can usually set that manually too, using the router’s interface.
It doesn’t matter if…
When’s evil week? Just pretend to be old. I work for an ISP, my wife manages a senior apartment complex. I don’t think we’d understand what happened without knowing those jobs.
Nothing beats Ubiquiti for the price.
There’s no need to ask your neighbor what wireless channel they’re using, just use one of the aforementioned WiFi scanning apps to see which channel they’re on and switch to another.
In a nutshell, it’s selfish behavior and gaming the system.
Sigh...did you read the article? Checking your bags at the check-in counter leads to fees, gate checking a bag does not.
Well those typically already have high miles on them already..
MCAS existed on previous 737s, so the pilots should have already been trained on it and its application and workarounds. They did make some changes to the system functionality with the MAX, but to my understanding the failure mode and workarounds did not change.
Replace that little red book with an IPad and you got the right idea.
Could you apply this methodology to hookers as well?
“$300 daily rental charge and a limit of 75 miles per day “
no fucking way am i tipping hotel staff 10 bucks without them giving me an enthusiastic hand job with eye contact first.
I’m even more entertained by the people that stand up as soon as the plane pulls into the gate. They’re just hunched over under the overhead bins for 10+ minutes until everyone ahead of them clears out.
Update WinRAR on your PC now!
Business operations management here - I think they are tensile noodles.
Engineer of an entirely different discipline here. Are the colors representing pressure, wind speed (related to pressure on those surfaces I suppose), or heat (also related to pressure via density?) in the string models? I am assuming pressure based on my (very limited) knowledge of fluid dynamics. If heat, I would…
So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?