Came here to post this exact correction, glad to see someone else picked it up as well. Means I’m not the only airplane nerd on Jalop
The part that says “This doesn’t seem to mean that you have to pay off your entire balance (though you absolutely should, if you’re able)...” is slightly misleading.
The part that says “This doesn’t seem to mean that you have to pay off your entire balance (though you absolutely…
Ew... Not gigabit.
Ew... Not gigabit.
If you have a card that earns points vs earns cash back, the points are usually going to be worth about 1 cent per point when you redeem them for cash - which is horrible.
I really like the Frontier - It’s just enough “truck” to be a truck; not so much truck to be a monster; and just the right size to park without having to worry about hitting anything.
Bail is (not supposed to be) not directly determined by the crime - It is determined by the likelihood of the person fleeing the state/country after being released. A low bail like this means the court has reasonable belief that she will appear at all court hearings and see justice through.
Not really - Your score isn’t a composite of other peoples scores. YOU earn YOUR score, not your neighbors. If you have a 750 now, and still have a 750 after the change, your individual creditworthiness remains the same.
Whenever you install a program it will usually ask you where you want the install to go, (ex: C:\Program Files\xxxxxxx). You can manually tell it to install on the different drive by telling it to install in a folder on that drive (ex: D:\Programs\xxxxxx).
Have you never heard of
Not my story - But a comedians:
This is where airline credit cards come into play.
I mean... At least it’s got three pedals, right?
Pretty sure he laid down two perfect sets of tred marks the entire way up the hill haha
I fully agree and fully expect to not see the trio together on the same screen at the same time in 3-5 years. There is a proper time to call it quits, and that’s for them - Not the viewers to decide.
Please give this person moar starz
I’m pretty sure the Air Force is ordering new Boeing 747-8's to replace the old pair of 747-200's that we currently have.