
He is gonna is the poll results to prove some point about bias or how stupid public opinion is or something of that nature. That’s what Bill’s schtick is. He knows very well that Clemente was a god when he played. Etc.

I don’t think many people order this for anything but the novelty of it.

Could you imagine someone posting something about, like, a challenge where if you eat a whole bowl of an incredibly spicy soup you get it for free and then someone being like “That looks too spicy for what I ideally like to eat”.

Instead of defending your position maybe realize the reality of it and accept how you came off wrong. Because, sorry, you did and frankly, you are still doing that.

You know what? There’s a chance this comically oversized novelty dumpling isn’t for you!

There’s a difference between having preferences and proclaiming them in a snobby way in a context where it’s not really warranted, this isn’t a topic about good tasting gyoza, it’s a food challenge, a situation not meant to be your ideal eating experience, so bringing up your “preferences” just comes off as entitled

In other words, you are one picky lil’ kid.

And every time she thought she was finished, another Columbo would appear and say, “Just one more thing....”

I would have appreciated an independent assessment of Goldberg’s inaccuracies, but this article only presents Grigoriadis’s point of view, and it offers no quotes from the book to defend it. It merely states that Grigoriadis addressed what Goldberg accused her of not addressing, but it would have been great to see

I’d like to know how Byrd scored the ending of No Holds Barred

Shame on Colbert and the Emmy’s for this. This douchebag shouldn’t get a redemption tour.

..deploying rookie running back Kareem Hunt like prime-era LaDainian Tomlinson Brian Westbrook.

None of this works if the line isn’t blowing people up. Those holes are gigantic, not because the defensive linemen and lbs got tricked but because they’re being physically moved backwards.

I think you might be reaching JUST a bit...

Meh- I mean, I saw the fight, the shots Canelo landed looked cleaner to me, but again, you want to use pure stats to say 3G won- okay! You want to use your decades of boxing knowledge to say he won- okay! Your instincts say he won- okay! Watching the fight, and even seeing this graphic almost immediately after, I

I believe they claim to go back and regrade things after they get the all 22 footage, but the need to get stuff out instantly has always pissed me off too.

She was robbed (literally) of that election, dragged through the dirt for the stupidest reasons by an entire party that gleefully admitted to trying to destroy her, and she has more than earned her right to vent about the unbelievable shit show that was last year.

An important thing to consider about the DMCA strikes is what the DMCA actually is and does for IP holders. The DMCA is a modification upon already existing copyright law in compliance with the WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996. A summary of the whole treaty is linked, but here is the relevant portion;

There’s absolutely nothing Scary about what the Firewatch devs have done. This isn’t “we’re gonna randomly and unexpectedly take down your shit if we don’t like you or your politics!”

The Texans don’t have much cap space. You’d hope at this point Kaepernick would take any offer on a one year deal, but may not be a great fit from that standpoint.