
What makes you think any of them actually read the book? The sudden discovery and subsequent outrage (especially at Jezebel) makes me wonder if any of them have read any King at all.

So... are you mad at the scene or...?
It is over 30 years old now. I mean... 
It sure is getting a lot of press due to the movie. Did you all just read the book for the first time?

This needs more stars and attention. Kotaku tends to glamourize the sex industry, but added revenue means more demand for these slaves. This is the number one reason I’d ask them to stop. The sex industry is a dark and nasty place.

It surprisingly has been confirmed multiple times for NA release in 2017. I’d be completely unsurprised if they announced a delay to 2018 but they’ve been pretty adamant it’s releasing worldwide in 2017

There are actually quite a few adult stars on twitch these days. I suppose it’s still good money, and great cross promotion.

Let’s keep in mind that Phil Simms expresses skepticism-to-outright-confusion on nearly every play and penalty in the games he broadcasts, so it’s no surprise he’d do the same to Ray Lewis’ story. However, I heard similar stories from my friends in Baltimore who are more in-tune with the team behind-the-scenes when

Vick was better than CK and contrite. People will forgive almost anything if you apologize and doubly so if you are good at football. Also, It wasn’t smooth for Vick. He and the Eagles took a huge amount of slack for signing Vick who got protested on the regular. I know people who cancelled tickets and wouldn’t

Just this afternoon, Sexy Star released a meandering, four-page deflection of a “statement.” Even accounting for issues in translation, she doesn’t actually apologize, doesn’t address Rosemary by name and only calls her ‘the woman’ and ‘the North American’ (hey, at least she didn’t go with gringa, right?), tries to

Yes. Be nothing like a smart, educated, successful woman.

Plastic surgery in order to to get a more stereotypically black body.