
How long before they release a dual analog 3ds? I can't believe they thought it was a good idea to not go with one in the first place.

Sony makes money on selling content, lots of. It makes no sense to sell the system for cheap and then to sell the memory cards for a lot.

I have adaptive cruise control and I have the opposite problem. When I'm in the left lane going around a bend that curves left and a car is ahead of me in the right lane the sensors think I'm going to hit that car even though it is in the lane next to me. This causes the car to slow down all of a sudden. This isn't

The whole premise of this article is flawed.

It has a bar across the top with the main categories. However, there is no "cross bar." The similarities end there.

Interesting post.


Wonder how awesome America would be if we had spent a trillion on infrastructure instead of 1 trillion+ on Iraq and Afghanistan over the last decade. Instead we have over 100,000 troops still in Afghanistan with generals telling us we could go back to square 1 as soon as we leave. Awesome.

A shame it was less than a trillion. Nice try at hyperbole. Unless you were referring to our useless wars?

@ qbrad - I did.



They are patching that this week. The battery life is fine as long as you aren't afflicted by a bug, e.g., the time zone clock update keeping GPS actve at all times.

All they had to do was cut their prices in half.

I like the old one better as well.

Guess I make too much money. $80 for getting things sooner all year long is a no brainer.

"It doesn't cache mail offline."

I totally agree. This was a time to refine the XMB, not throw it out for amateur hour just to appease the touch gods.

The Vita looks and feels expensive. The interface should reflect that, instead of taking the whole experience back to something I would expect to see on a 19.99 toy from Wal-Mart that would get thrown away after one day's use.

This is actually really cool.