
You can do both, it just barely accomplishes this task. You think Apple would not realize this was an issue and design the cable to handle this?

It has nothing to do with the hardware. This is a software bug. My iPhone 4S has nearly the exact same battery life of my prior iPhone.

Unlike the battery sucking 4G antennas or problems due to Andriod's terrible battery management, the latest problems are not because of the iPhone model, but due to bugs introduced in IOS5. They will get fixed. A Droid, on the other hand, is never going to have great battery life.

These stories need to stop. I'm seeing a new "what's up with the 4S battery life" like every day now.

The problem is not the iPhone 4s, the problem is iCloud.

Disable iCloud.

No one buying the original Wii for the low low price of $250 ended up spending less than $400 just to be able to play Mario Kart with three friends.

Um, you always have to buy more stuff to make things work. With consoles you used to have to buy expensive memory cards that were not included. The consoles only include one controller. With the Wii it was ridiculous. It was 250 for the system but $200 more for three more sets of controllers and a memory card.

The reason it wasn't added was that they were afraid of cannibalization. They want to make sure everyone who buys a Playbook also buys a BB phone.

I enjoyed SCII's single player game and then I never played it again. I just don't do MP Star Craft. A shorter campaign makes this less of a good deal for me. Not sure if I'm going to pay $40 this time around so I can play 66% of the game.

No one would actually click on those articles. If they would, someone would do them.

Same here. I don't think this will stop the decline of WoW, but at this point they had to go for broke.

iOS is better than the Android operating system. It just is. This isn't up for debate. It is clunkly, buggy, power hungry, and "I'm not restricted by the App Store" is not a feature when it means you can't run programs that are only designed for iOS.

Your view of the US is perhaps a little inflated. Compared to dozens of other first world nations our poor are extremely poor off. Our child poverty rate is much higher than most first world nations, where we rank near the bottom. I would rather be poor here than poor in Uganda, but the same can't be said for the

Everyone who says, well, yeah, but the rich pay a lot in taxes is completely missing the point.

The bottom 40% own .05% of the wealth in the US. They might pay more in taxes, but first you're going to need to pay them more.

Why to support the development of new and better apps.

This is exactly why I'm a native English speaker.

He's doing that because it is really noisy in the environment. Otherwise Siri would assume he was still talking.

Tanning should be outlawed. This is about as dumb as puffing paint fumes.