
When you say "like total shit" do you mean better or worse than you treat Mormons?


Read the books. Then watch the show. Or do what I did and do both at the same time (I got tired of waiting for the next episode to find out what happened).

You're going to see load times decrease over time.

Here's the thing. Games used to be brutally hard and unforgiving (three lives and that's it, no continues).

GTX 670.

"Despite very aggressive projections, our preparations for the launch of the game did not go far enough."

Um, ITEMS ASIDE, is not possible when this game is all about items.

Been doing this for years. Loved the article.

Me too.

Heaven forbid someone has a point of view.

Spoiler alert? I didn't watch the video, but thanks for revealing plot points in the headline of the post.


You know, for once, I think it can.

This analysis kind of blows. If you are going to do a speed comparison you need to actually say things like what the respective resolutions of the tests were. Maybe post some screenshot comparisons to show the difference in quality.

Was the egypt test run at the same res for both or was it native resolution?

Yeah I'm going to also say that flexibility seems like something you wouldn't want. Go buy a Sony P tablet or a laptop if you want your gadget to flex.

That's my mall!

$60 billion? That kind of money could be lit on fire to keep orphans warm or sent to Afghanistan to pay for 8.2 days worth of making people hate us more.

Expensive, doesn't work well, legally mandated.