Think! aka anotherburner111122223333

Most of this is still pretty much the same as last year then. Except for the pit stuff.

I watch all thwse types of videos on mute. The person filming /never/ has anything useful to add to the picture...

See also: license plates

I have /never/ understood this shot. So terrible. Either you spend way too much time in your car, or are too lazy/self-conscious/no friends to take your picture doing something else. No thanks.

Did this one show on Sunday? If so, then I imagine this one lines up more with the actually text of the letter sent. Which does not promenently feature fine print as far as I could see.

And yet another example of not reading the article.

Here’s a star for you.

Watching in bed, I just saw sky, then blood. Couldn’t figure out all the fuss!

Just be ready to pay some obscene delivery fee...

Just be ready to pay some obscene delivery fee...

So am I. Its not an age thing. Its trademarks and regional, based upon the baker:

No one wants Tagalongs. They are Peanut Butter Patties!

Autoplay is terrible. I always disable it anywhere I can.


Drove past a dealership in my old haunt a few months ago. Completely surprised me! It was an old car wash before.

From the group who sits around playing video games all day?

This is a good read. Thanks.

See... And we all thought this guy was just crazy.

True, it would have been better served by picking the open lane; especially since it was making a right hand stop soon. (in the mid of nowhere?) So, ya, it wasn’t the most efficient, but, personally, I’d be fine with it.

I don’t know why you were the first to say it. The number of people here who fully accept this guy’s story boggles me. And all guesses on how it /might/ have happened (it was following another vehicle so closely at 65 who swerved just before the stationary fire truck, that it couldn’t stop (stopping distance is less