I’ve got a stand up Pandora station built around George Carlin for the car trips. It’s great, except when they throw in Carlin reading one of his books (Live is the only way to go!). They put in Robin Williams, Tosh, Pryor, Gaffigan...
I’ve got a stand up Pandora station built around George Carlin for the car trips. It’s great, except when they throw in Carlin reading one of his books (Live is the only way to go!). They put in Robin Williams, Tosh, Pryor, Gaffigan...
I know someone who was in Orlando a few weeks ago when it had to be evacuated for a security breach. A madhouse I was told.
When I first got my ‘02, I put premium in it because POWER! And I thought that I had read that it needed it somewhere. At that time it was almost always just a 10¢ difference between each grade level.
I told someone how ‘1993 kid me’ was enjoying watching the Dolphins beat up on the Patriots without even a hint of them using throwbacks until a read it 5 minutes ago...
I’m not sure that phrase means what you think it means...
I was willing to let ghost cars slide (because, reletively, it evens out?), but I became fully disillusioned when the standard cloverleaf at 4:50 ran like shit. Lane 1 was all backed up due to the merging on-ramps... WTF?
Silly me... I /just/ fixed my traction control.
OMG. Flashbacks. My buddy in high school had stacked sliders; one temp, other direction. He’d always move them both to the left when it got too hot. Presumably in an attempt to turn it off. Instead, he ended up making cold air come thru the vents, because there was no real ‘off’ without setting recirculating, which he…
I freakin’ LOVE that my ‘02 doean’t cut power to the lighter ports when the ignition is cut off. Everytime I travel with someone else, I am usually much disappointed that I can’t stash things in the car to charge when inside someplace...
I like this one much.
Yup. Sounds about right.
Well, if they didn’t empty the waste tanks and didn’t fill up the clean tanks, then it would even themselves out...
::Looks at the top:: Yup, it’s just another fake out Torch article.
I thought this was gonna be a Ferrari article...
I’m not sure what I just watched, but I watched all of it. Thanks?
Its also fun (read: interesting) going North on 95 thru Baltimore. And getting thru Delaware.
At least it seems to be sticky now; I think I needed to turn it on each time before.
Don’t try to ‘Avoid Tolls’ if you’re headed East across the Hudson river. Waze just gives up with no helpful error and if I recall, GMaps takes you to Albany!
I feel like this puts the nail in the coffin of all usefullness of the origibal meaning of SUV...