Think! aka anotherburner111122223333

You’ll have to check with the Jalop team. They created it for this article from a reader’s suggestion...

Well, from the link to the contest, they were $16 then.

Well, from the link to the contest, they were $16 then.

Hey, you’re wasting your time writing posts telling me that you aren’t going to read mine. I’m actually trying to get you to clarify your so coherant position. So, why not?

Hey, if you can put together a coherant set of ideas into sentences, that’s not my fault. In one, you hate an entire area (for which I pointed out is not as bad as many other areas). Then, in another, you hate the drivers from 2 specific cities instead. Make up your mind. Then come back and talk.

The entire “swath” between Pawtucket and Fall River does not include where this accident occurred. Fact. Look at a map. I can drive between the two areas on 95/195 without seeing it. And it’s not even close as the crow flies.

“I specifically said it. The entire swath ... of land between Pawtucket and Fall River is a problem BECAUSE of all the bad drivers from those two cities who commute those roads.”

“It’s me being right.”


I know which stretch you’re talking about. Having driven it thousands of times. I’m not sure you know it as well all you think you do.

Now you’re trying to split hairs with the definition of ‘city’. Nice. Guess what, All of NJ isn’t a city. And Boston proper, itself, is small does not include much of the surrounding town. You’re talking about a 10mile stretch of highway between 2 actual cities, and don’t include them as part of them? Interesting...

The US government seems to disagree with you:

Well, the two directions you point out are no longer in the ‘city’ area with much less population, so, ya, things will be easier driving. SHOCKING!

Damn it...

Hey, I grew up on that swath of land and have traveled all over the US. And can tell you that I’ve seen much worse in many other areas.

Now don’t impune all of RT6, but, ya, that section merging to 95 is terrible. All the time. And construction now as they fix 95. Going even over 50 in that section is asking for trouble.

Wish i could, but i don’t have anything else to get up to $50 free ship right now...

Wish i could, but i don’t have anything else to get up to $50 free ship right now...

Shhhhh... Didn’t you hear? You’re only cool if you shit all over popular bands!

“The motor powers the car for up to 80 miles on land and three hours underwater...”

Here’s another Wiki for help