Somehow I ended up on Gawker proper the other day prior to its demise. This article is relevant:
Somehow I ended up on Gawker proper the other day prior to its demise. This article is relevant:
I stopped reading at “ this revolutionary, low-cost concept”... I had gotten BINGO already on my ‘bullshit terms' card.
It's funny. You didn’t argue it /can/ be done.
A “Superb”?
Seems appropriate...
I would love to see all of TeamGB's stuff in the overhead bins...
You travel with a full water bottle in your checked luggage?
I’ll reply to you because you’re top post, but a lot have complained also.
This is the 4th Seinfeld reference I’ve scrolled past; all from different episodes.
If they think it was tampeted with, the most important key: chain of evidence.
[Something clever regarding that dummy scene in Backdraft.]
This is what happens when you have unprotected sex with a RealDoll...
Yes. Yes, I should.
“In the original extreme case the average spped is also (20 +0)/2 = 10 mph.”
His usage of the terms ‘inside lane’ and ‘outside lane’ seem to be inconsistant with the usage you or I seem to use.
Your use of the terms ‘inside lanes’ and ‘outside lanes’ throughly confuses me.
Option 1. I’m not sure I could... ‘perform’... with so many watching.
But if you sell the car, it probably still runs on YOUR life force. So you’ll be losing a few minutes everytime the new owner’s pregnant wife wants ice cream.
Do you like your popcorn with sugar? Because the original version of this comment was filled with sweet, sweet irony.