I did that to my EzPass :)
A simple delay on the red light? psh. I would've installed a flashing spot light with a loud speaker directed at the truck!
I rented a big box truck in Albany once with a low bridge just down the street. They had signs showing destroyed trucks and I laughed and thought, “that’s silly”.
When Ingress came out many moons ago by the same company, I used one of my 4 dormant accounts to play :)
Can Jalop and Giz please coordinate their reporting on this topic? Duplicate articles everytime really gum up my feed and split any commentor contributions.
“regarding an incident you weren’t aware of”
Well, going only by what you’ve put forth (it’s not really a topic I care to dive into), I still would’ve gone with either; apparently/harrassing (tho ‘apparently’ and 11 years ago is odd combo...), or allegedly/abusive.
Up a volcano... On foot.
What about the SUV, the lights, the siren, the person screaming?
Is there a big market for cast iron frying pan mementos?
Oh, I know. I didn’t mean that towards you, but the OP. Sorry for the confusion.
How many hospital ERs are you going to?!?!
Reading Is Fundamental
If you hit an elephant, I think you needed to pay a bit more attention to the road...
Serves them right. They shouldn’t have still been in the passing lane. :)
After finally getting to see what happened (my current country didn’t allow me in English), I’m still looking for the part that Smoke “put [Denny] into the wall”. As pointed out by just about all the comments, this never happened.
That’s why I couldn’t watch it (or much US ‘Reality’ TV). It was so obvious that the hosts (read: ‘actors’) were on their 4th take, with the same lame scripted jokes, and predictable ‘surprise’ outcomes. Most of the time they didn’t even bother to cover over the wheel marks of the first takes.