BTW, it looks like they got a match: 2013 Honda Accord
Thank you.
Bellevue PD seems to be here answering inqueries from Jalops. They should probably be stickied.
Because when they are manufacturing them, it costs them next to nothing to actually put in a 32GB chip versus a 16GB chip.
Just a little pet peeve of mine...
Bring them back home to Providence!
He’s delayed until 1530 GMT... whenever the hell that is...
I really wished I had taken something like this on my recent adventures! Maybe next time I lose my mind...
Appropriate username is appropriate. :)
I know we talk about it every 6 months or so, but...
I tried to get floor mats and a second key when I bought my 2002 used car in 2003.
Can someone with photoshop skillz put a Holden Ute terrorrizing a Kiwi on the water for me? Thanks.
You are really enjoying this opportunity for creative expression, aren't you?
I really hope COTD comes from this article...
Do I /have/ to be a great racer, or can I just fuck the pumpkins in public?