You must’ve had a tough time in math...
You must’ve had a tough time in math...
Is it still considered an electric car even tho it has an optional [adorable] engine in it? Wouldn’t it be more like the “plug-in hybrid”-esque Volt?
Things in the article not sourced by UK tabloids include:
Did you read the article, or just comment on the headline (that clearly says “Unconfirmed”)? There is tons of credible knowledge in the article.
“The Russians are flying 40-50 year old airframes that have been sorely lacking in maintenance for more hours than they’ve seen in years.”
I disagree. He’s adding to the knowledge of the public. With much more credible information than the stuff already out there.
Latitudes are kind of overkill. Get the midrange. And just go to one of the auto stores to get them. Cheaper, instant gradification, and they put them on for you (not that it is difficult...)
Latitudes are kind of overkill. Get the midrange. And just go to one of the auto stores to get them. Cheaper,…
I think pissing would probably be an easier proposition than farting in such a dire situation. More difficult cleanup, put you could just have stategically placed absorbant bullseyes in Mode 1.
To commenters of the future:
I had a red Gen 2 RX7. It was great. But the engine went kaput and I sold it for peanuts. I miss it.
Are you speaking vertically as well as horizontally? Because horiz I would get, but vert...
Perhaps this is more a question for Throb, but if the ‘normals’ do go about having sexual relations with the ‘rads’, then won’t they just be wasting energy? And then going home to their ‘normal’ mate and saying they are too tired or have a headache? Resulting in fewer ‘normals’ sideeffect?
Now, I’m just spit balling here, but what if, instead of launching vertically near sealevel, you launched vertically from somplace already high. Perhaps a mountain 10,000 high? Someplace that my brain hurts at?
I read on another outlet regatding this topic, that Russian public support for bombing Syrian rebels... I mean... ISIS... is not too popular right now. Any weight to this? Think Putin cares?
Last week I saw 3 camo’d vehicles being escorted by a Land Rover up Mt. Evans (highest paved road in North America). So, there wasn’t any real offroading. I didn’t push, but they indicated altitude testing. There were 2 Evoque styled, but one was a sedan with a tow hitch. They were all Minnesota tagged.
I had this exact RC car.