
Tom Ley posts a lot about dick.

Can we be honest here? Black people (and SJWs) want black people to get credit just for being black.

Oh that’s right, white people don’t have rights or at least you don’t want them to.

I wonder if that comment would survive if his name was “Ablack.”

This article has inspired me...

I’m not sticking up for Trump. Nice straw man though. I’m commenting that Deadspin’s staff doesn’t have the literary chops to attract readers without resorting to cheap political shots. See: Howard, Greg. Dude can’t write a decent article so he race baits all the time.

Tom Ley is just openly flaunting being gay and that’s great! Congrats Tom for being so open! You go girl!!!!

You seriously can’t google this on your own?

There have been numerous studies that showed the media coverage towards Obama was disproportionately positive. Look at Deadspin for example.

Just to confirm: the Deadspin chamber of echoes has chosen the Panthers as their favorite team because Newton is black.

Obama was a one term senator with nothing of note on his resume. Obama went to one of the best prep schools in the world and couldn’t get into an elite college despite being black. Think about that for a second. That’s fucking pathetic. No one challenged Obama during his campaign because of people like you: whiney

“Fuck Trump! Let’s give Obama another term.”-ISIS

Look how hard you’re trying to pretend like you don’t care. You desperately want to be attractive but you’re too ugly. As a result, you pretend like you don’t care.

Thank you for covering your ass. No one wants to see it.

Just because you say something is normal that doesn’t make it normal. She’s fat and gross.

Almost as moronic as electing a president because he’s black. How’d that work out? How’s the economy doing? ISIS is totally in check too!

Wow, the deadspin staff never misses a chance to take a shot at Trump. It’s almost like their writing can’t stand on its own merit and they have to resort to cheap political digs.

Let’s hope Southern Miss hires a black coach.

They’re white so they won’t get in trouble.

David Blatt is white. Therefore, he’s evil. That’s what deadspin believes anyway.