

In order to make myself feel better about my body, I just repeatedly tell myself that my body would have been the archetype of feminine beauty during the Renaissance.

I am disturbed by the fact that you, a cat, have learned to use Kinja.

I don’t really understand your take on his place in this.  What should he have done differently to protect her privacy? 

Glass doesn’t bend around corridors very well. 

It’s sort of sad that I have to, but sure. Windows are not all the same size. So a solution like “oh, just make the doorways bigger” doesn’t work because eventually you’d get to the point where all buildings would have every door be like freight doors. Basically, the only way it would work is if windows were more

Good, we should do everything we can to reduce youth using these things. But of course we can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I was a pack-a-day smoker for a decade (American Spirits, no less). E-Cigs were crucial for me getting off them, and Juul’s in particular are a great first step.

I wasnt dum dum. I commented to the guy that was shutting down your bullshit CSI investigation. YOU decided to post to me. If you see me in these comments and I dont speak, that means I dont fuck with you.

You know what doesn’t cause a painful death via uncontrollable bleeding? Real cannabis. Makes you think, huh?

If only legislators would get their heads out of their rear ends and legalize “real” marijuana, perhaps people would not turn to fake stuff. They could even garner a fair amount of tax money from sales would be like the stuff grows on trees or something.

Friendly reminder: in over 5,000 years of recorded use, there has not been one single documented example of a death caused by cannabis.

Or eat it and then flush down the toilet. Your decision.


I have a pug. The issues with her walking are real, poor thing staggers everywhere. As much as we love pugs when looking for a new dog we decided not to get a pug and got a beagle (retired research dog) instead.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to comment on this article from January 2018 to let you guys know that 2018 was a wild ride. I can’t really spoil a lot for you (timestream changes and all), but man you’re all going to be so surprised when MoviePass buys LucasFilm from Disney in July.

So what? Make a rule that lets people who have been living as Americans for the last 20 years stay here.

I don’t care how the government spins it DSL is not high speed. You say you work in IT you should know that if so.

I specifically take issue with the inclusion of a mermaid front and center on every Starbucks cup. They’re an abomination and Noah left them off the ark for a reason. There were space issues and they can swim anyway. Also they maybe consume human flesh.

Its Wantage, NJ!!! Its my hometown and one of the most beautiful parts of NJ. Full of dairy farms and state forests.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf.