
What are you talking about? The Batman ‘89 series launched in August 2021. The Flash movie came out in 2023.

Because contrary to the article’s thesis, they recently reprinted the Bodies TPB, and it’s available for purchase right now on Amazon. DC published it as a Vertigo book, released a TPB under the Vertigo imprint, and reprinted it this month as Black Label.

To be fair, the article does not say or have the tone that you should get one to use against “people you do not like.” Also being fair, the article is not a piece about being “good” to your neighbor or building a better world. The article simply talks about technology, you personally seem to take an affront to a lock

You’re all for “sex positivity” but you seem to think that filming yourself having sex should disqualify you forever from running for office because that shows bad decision making skills. You cannot fathom that one might enjoy sex with their partner and use it to make a little extra cash and then some time later in

This really needs a tag line like: “Sloth is the DEADLIEST sin!”.

Blizzard isnt gonna fuck you no matter how hard you slob their knob bud. 

I appreciate being brought out of the grays but unfortunately it drags up the vile creep I responded to. These people have evil intentions and are literally Nazis. There are millions of them, they are an existential threat to humanity and they must be defeated. They are a numerical minority but they are a fanatical,

The one positive thing about man made climate change is that Florida will be scoured from the Earth.

Okay, so everybody else is pulling out of this event, right? How the fuck are you gonna have a “Pride Night” event and kick out a group that’s been there since 1979 to fight AIDS — back when “Pride” was not a fucking party for straight people to casually drop into and was about standing together so you don’t get your

“No one is defending what this guy did.” < — maybe not directly, but your vague and unnecessary obfuscation is sure getting close.

The mental gymnastics on display here are just wild.

The idea that the police union would really go to the mat to protect this officer after something so egregious and indefensible, while off duty, doesn’t pass the smell test either.”

A public employee being paid for 15 months of vacation after murdering a child, when his entire job is to enforce said laws, is a whole lot more relevant than some random accountant doing something atrocious.

First, did Stanford ever ask what this football player was doing in public? Why wasn’t he home studying or in class? If he’d been where he was supposed to be, instead of out with his friends, he wouldn’t have gotten coffee spilled on him. Assaults never happen at home or in class, and he should have known that.

This is the most verbose, well-though-out, and obnoxious example of blaming the victim I’ve ever seen. Bravo.

It’s nice you can so fully see her side and how she was thinking in those tremendous moments of despair. Thanks for letting us all know.

Look, I’m forward-thinking - I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m

Found the slumlord (or just weird apologist with them?).

Whenever everyone has access to the same algorithm and all use it to set pricing, you now have a monopoly/collusion. The concept of using an algorithm isn’t the issue, it’s a bunch of companies all using the same one that is the problem. A bunch of separate businesses colluding to set prices is illegal, this is just a

I mean I’m in the grays, too. But you’re 100% correct. It’s all victim blaming like “I don’t have sympathy for victims of crimes.”