I was mostly talking about the DTMF pad in the center. Everything else is basically perfect.
I was mostly talking about the DTMF pad in the center. Everything else is basically perfect.
See, I actually really prefer the older infotainment system. No touchscreen and it just works. Definitely looks a little wonky, but it’s more usable IMHO
I’m a 22 year old recently graduated computer scientist that just bought a used 2017 Volvo V60. Trust me, it’s anything but a dad car :)
Trust me... I was ecstatic to learn it was non-interference. I was prepared to try and salvage a new head from the junk yard :P
I inherited my first car (89 Volvo) but it came with a catch: The timing belt had jumped and I needed to take care of that before it was drivable. Let’s just say that when your first day with a car involves having the front of the engine apart, it changes your views on automotive maintenance :P
I do still technically have an Xbox live account, but I’m 99% a PC gamer these days.
I drive a Volvo and play video games
Which question?
What car?
Is it wrong that I’m way more excited for this than Car vs America?
For me it’s more of a feeling of “I’M NOT ALONE!!!!”
*Goes over to find a pipe stuffed with ground up VW taillights*
Torch....... What exactly are you smoking???
So this is secretly just a long game to introduce a back-door pilot of Jason Drives as a TV series..... right?
I love my car. I like the model and manufacturer. But I love *my* car. I’ve been through a lot with it and it’s earned it.
It’s because I shit on them last week :P
The Tesla Model S and Model X.
Large font, bold, and underlined. Making a statement are we? :P
I just graduated this past May. Mostly the Boynton, a real engineer would have gaffed it :P