It’s a Skinny Jeans/Portlandia versus Cargo Shorts/Nickleback.
It’s a Skinny Jeans/Portlandia versus Cargo Shorts/Nickleback.
Strong showing by the Texas fans chanting USA, USA! Get those foreigners out of OUR game. I’ve never like Canadian’s playing baseball.
Cripes.... I guess I've just been living under a rock rooting for the Mariners.... Oh wait, I see my problem.
Thank you.
Baltimore chop — A ground ball that hits in front of home plate (or off of it) and takes a large hop over the infielder’s head.
Mind blown....
I appreciate it when deadspin posts stuff about obscure sports stories.
Nice. If it makes you feel better I read your comment while giving an actual shit. In the toilet. From the butt. Poop.
103 or 102.... Zero shits given by me.
Second guy dove.
Yup....Knoxville is an anus.
He has the “Benjamin Button” disease and this is his Make-A-Wish moment.
I agree. There are some players in the league are so talented that you have to accept a bonehead play now and again. Take Michael Bennett on my Seahawks, dude is a beast but he gets a bad PF call every other game. I just hope I don’t get a tobasco enema of a game like this.
This is solid kinja.