Jeb! and the Holograms

They could change it to the Razorbacks

Cheap Deadspin Awards bait, man. I see right through your ploy.
(+1 Deadspin Award).

You sir, win the day

That is some cocksure subliminal advertising right there....

Holy shit this is a badass mascot. +1

We support this idea:

It will rise again...just give it like 20 minutes.

Did you just come up with this? Because if so, bravo. (I cannot do my own fact checking from the work computer, because I value my employment—not enough to stay off of Deadspin, but just enough to avoid a search result apocalypse.)

+1; incredible use of picture

I honestly don’t ascribe to this positional view at all. Trump does not still have the “Republican base.” Trump has his own base, who are a very small minority in terms of political view. The nation is not moving right with Trump at all.

You have a hard time understanding that the things you see on TV aren’t real?

Doing rough-sex and domination fetish porn for money is an entirely different thing than mistreating and assaulting women in real life. Porn in general is highly misogynistic; if you want to be a porn star, you will have to act out a lot of scenes that would be problematic or even illegal if they were real. Turns out

Before the accusations against him came out, the only “sketchy” thing that anyone in the general public knew about James Deen was that he did a lot of porn. He was the biggest male pornstar in the world (he still is) and he was starting to get crossover roles in movies and TV shows. The stigma attached to being a

This is an important article and a great point but still not a good enough reason to completely whitewash Gaby’s actions.

He did go to Harvard though. He also suffered concussions bad enough that he couldn’t smile without getting a migraine.

Who’s career was ended by concussions. Who co-founded the Sports Legacy Institute (now Concussion Legacy Foundation). Who has Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience from BU. After receiving a BA in sociology from Harvard.

“Does anybody know if real painkillers work for imaginary pain? Asking for a friend...”

“Plays like the one on which Brissett was concussed in Sunday’s 20-17 loss to the Steelers, in which his pocket collapses and he’s forced to scramble, don’t even show up in those numbers. Here’s the helmet-to-helmet hit from Stephon Tuitt, with commentary by Chris Nowinski, co-director of Boston University’s Center

Let’s say Irsay invests in a better line, though. It’s just gonna get snorted up right quick.

Being Speared Gently was a mediocre follow up to Killing Me Softly.