Jeb! and the Holograms

These takes, though, disregard the actual logic at hand, which doesn’t treat modern history as a level playing field.

That first paragraph contains so many links, parentheses, quotations and other nonsesne that I have no idea who or what this column is about.

Good christ do you people have a lot of rules.

There was a segment yesterday on Vice News (I think?) regarding this. I believe it was Mattis or some other high ranking military guy speaking to a small group of soldiers and his words seemed coded (according to the trans soldier being interviewed) but he was basically saying “don’t listen to what chRump is saying.

Don’t worry, based on Trump’s history Melania won’t be your FLOTUS for much longer either.

Handcrafted by the finest child sweatshop in all of Bangladesh.

Wow. What a solid discussion from an informed writer for Deadspin. Let’s break this down...

I just... don’t understand. Is looting seriously okay? I’m truly fucking mind blown here. What is happening? Its like that white/blue/black/gold dress all over again. Is there a joke I’m missing here? What the fuck?

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

He’d be a draw for about two fights. Once it is obvious that he can’t hang with actual professional boxers (and he can’t, if Mayweather was more aggressive he could have knocked McGregor out in the first round).

Carlos Danger above has the right idea though. Any other boxer worth his salt would absolutely pound McGregor into the ground. Floyd let Conor stick around long enough to give the people a fight and then put him down. An actual puncher like Canelo/GGG (sidebar: CANNOT wait for this fight) wouldn’t let him hang around.

Really enjoying all the commenters who think “I don’t know the names of any boxers” is a commentary on the sport of boxing and not on their own qualifications for rendering opinions about it.

This would last for approximately 1.5 matches before people realized his skill set doesn’t translate to boxing and he can’t hang in the ring with basically anybody.

Trump’s outfit is fine. Melania’s choice in footwear is the opposite of fine. For reference, here’s Obama in his disaster surveying gear. Of all the things he’s done related to Harvey, his choice of clothes is far and away the least offensive.

I am never going to see that frog and not taste bile. It sickens me.

Dinesh D’Sousa believes an 11-year-old George Soros was was a member of the gestapo. He should have ‘idiot’ tattooed on his forehead.

LOL @ your maps. That NYT article doesn’t really explain it’s methodology, so I can’t tell what it means. It just says this:

This is really starting to piss me off. There is a proven NFL starter, proven playoff winning QB out there and no team will look at because of his outspoken beliefs. #Tebowblackball

if only there was a QB on the market with a skill set similar to Tyrod Taylor to fill in for the Bills...

I mean what do you want them to do Samer? It’s not like 29 year old QBs with Super Bowl experience are just sitting around unsigned in late August. These are the simply the options available that ownership feels comfortable with.