Jeb! and the Holograms

Same in Washington state, yet everyone does it.

This makes me crazy, HOW is it legal? I freak out every time I see someone with them in.

As far as headphones go, I don’t have a problem with people who have them in while working or sitting at a coffeeshop. It does bug me when people wear them walking around the grocery store or something like that. I can’t really explain why, but that’s where I draw the line. And anyone driving with headphones in should

Casting isn’t easy. Not only do you have to find someone who brings the right energy to the role, you need sign off from all of the stakeholders on the casting decision. Remember there are these people known as producers who have millions tied up in the success/failure of a film.

I’m starting to suspect NFL injury reports are sometimes bullsht.

First off, I completely agree that OBJ shouldn’t have been on the field in the first place.

An ankle sprain? Would fit the limping that was publically seen and televised. But curled up on the floor alone like that, not obviously favoring one leg, that does not look like “only” an ankle sprain. He looks like a man in a world of pain. I hope he heals well and quickly.

Nothing you could wish on them could be any more torturous than reality.

Oh, and double-fuck Ben McAdoo for having OBJ out there in the second quarter of a goddamn preseason game against what is, essentially, a field full of Madden generic created players.

I’m almost more upset that Jon Gruden tried to defend this tackle for [/insert Browns player I don’t know] than anything about the play itself.

Browns have a bad season? What are the odds of that now that the Great Brock Osweiller is at the helm?


Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?


Yeah northern racism is much more institutional than overt.

Racism in the north is definitely more subtle, but just as bad. It’s “I have to move to the suburbs because the schools in the city are so bad” with the unspoken-but-implied part being “because they’re full of children of color.”

You hit the nail on the head. Racism in Boston and New York is different to racism in charlottesville. It’s curiously white neighbourhoods and schools contrasted with neighbourhoods of colour that somehow have a much lower median income, and schools that are objectively worse. Eric Garner didn’t get murdered in

alternate headline:

I literally died.

We didn’t use real grass and they would always procure a patch of sod for him to use.