Jeb! and the Holograms


This. It’s something no parent likes to admit but the cold hard truth is you can do everything right and your kid can still grow up to be a monster.

Come on now. Let’s not blame the mother for a grown man being a monster.

he could have been raised right and turned into a monster, it happens all the time. Parents have no control over some psycho who grew and held his kids hostage. He made that choice

I’m going to be generous and say that sometimes you raise your kids to the best of your ability and they still end up assholes.

I don’t know.

Right? How did he expect this to go? The entire thing is nuts, it is most definitely entertaining, but crazy nonetheless.

Please never change.

I am new to MMA and boxing, but I’ve really enjoyed it. It is amazing to me that these men seal their fists inside orbs of concrete and then spin around like tops inside the ring and when the concrete orbs smash against their opponent, pieces of the opponents body will just explode in a red spray of gore. But the

This should get him going again.

Carroll initially attempted to downplay the incident, saying flying attacks are commonly overblown in the media.

Or “moderates” in general. Anyone who complains about purity tests needs to wake up and look at this kind of thing.

Except neither of those guys play for the Jets. However, none of the Jets’ QB’s are better than Kap (Josh McCown, Bryce Petty, and Christian Hackenberg, who you could combine through the miracles of modern science to create 5/8ths of a capable play-caller.)

White team owners tolerate child abuse.

Unless Kelly had convinced Trump to hand him his phone, I have no doubts that he’ll be back to Tweeting childish, stupid shit. I chalk this spate up to trying to rebut charges of White House chaos following “The Mooch” fiasco.

Yes. THIS is why I am so furious at the party for saying they are cool with anti-choice candidates.

“a reasonable case against signing him”

No offense, but STFU about Democrats being blindsided by this. This is a fucking WV democrat which means that the only “Democratic” principle he supports is the govt supporting dipshit farmers who can’t manage their own property without a govt handout.

Especially when he was a republican up to three years ago.