Jeb! and the Holograms

Cavaliers fans have nothing to worry about; the most foolproof strategy in NBA team-building is “Do what the Denver Nuggets did.”

I’ll believe this big beautiful 13,000 job Foxconn factory when they have the ribbon cutting ceremony.

If Wisconsin wants to do it, who cares? Let them.

This is how the sausage gets made.

Hey, the “nice face you got there, be a shame if something happened to it” strategy worked just fine against Dean Heller, why wouldn’t it work against Murkowski? Also, let’s get real, she and Collins only voted against MTP because they were given permission to do so by McConnell in the first place. If their votes had

‘Act like you’ve been there before.’ is also what Paterno said to the boys that “complained.”

“The Pentagon had no idea that Trump was going to drop a blanket ban on transgender people serving in the military on Wednesday morning.”

See also: Pence, Michael.

Honestly, this is some sort of random non-job and it gets him the hell out of Kansas where he has actual power. Not being an official ambassador assigned to a country, foreign leaders don’t have to allow him in and people will pay him as much attention as he warrants - which is very little. Will he probably be bizarre

I’m sure McCain gave everyone an earful in an impassioned and well reasoned argument; then he’ll roll over like fucking bitch and go party line.

There is a strong awkward use of “snatch” in the South, such as “I’ll snatch you bald-headed!”

What Ivanka Trump wants:

So heroic!

McCain thought war was so great that he’s devoted a lot of his time as a senator to making sure as many men and women as possible get to experience it.

You don’t have to remind yourself that he served his country and endured a great deal of hardship. Obviously, when he votes and contributes to legislation drafted to literally fuck people over, many of them veterans who served our country and endured hardship, he doesn’t think of them.

That whole “he served his country” thing is so American, it’s utterly foreign to me when you guys use it as a way to excuse someone doing shitty things. I’m not criticising, I’m just noticing that this concept of veteran worship is something that I will never truly understand as a German. Soldiers here are seen far

Don’t forget calling his wife a cunt in public. Class act from start to finish.

Seriously. All the face-fanning about the big tough war hero is getting on my very last nerve. Every bad thing he ever endured, he used to justify making somebody else go through even worse.

McCain voted for the BCRA, despite pledging a few hours earlier that he would not.

Well, it certainly helps that the employees want to do it.