Jeb! and the Holograms

A lifelong-Jerseyite friend of mine told me that’s where New Jersey farts. She wasn’t kidding.

I’m fine with this. Smoking is terrible, sometimes I wish cigarettes were banned outright. I smoked on and off from age 22 to 26, and many of my friends at the time were smokers. So many of them have struggled to quit for years, and regretted ever starting. I don’t know any smokers who are really happy that they’re

The joke is on Priebus. There is no “Circle of Trust” for someone as batshit crazy as 45. The only humans (and I use that term loosely) who are safe from being savaged by 45 are his own children. And that’s only because they’re products of his ejaculate, and are therefore extensions of himself. The last one who would

He’s gonna chew that boy up like a cheap gumball. It’ll be so christmaslike I might even bake cookies to watch it.

Dump:*blustering threat*

The crazy thing here is that there are only 8-9 real players who had a higher usage rate. It’s not like he’s going to have a bigger role somewhere else.

Muwller is also a decorated Marine officer. Donny hasn’t got a clue.

“Kyrie wants to get out before the collapse” makes more sense to me than “Kyrie wants to be the focal point”. I guess Irving thinks he’s better than I do.

God, I love Donny. Only someone as mind-blowingly over-confident and under-informed as he is could think scare tactics are a good idea against a man like Mueller. Because, yea, this absolutely looks like a man who is easily intimidated:

Tossup between Priebus, Mueller and Sessions. All of them are on his shit list.

I doubt Trump will ever sell out his family (unless we’re talking about Tiffany). Probably why he started to put pressure on Sessions, as an attempt to scare Mueller in to backing off investigating Donnie Jr. anymore.

I don’t see why people are complaining. That is actually Beyonce in there, well at least it’s her former human shell. The time finally came for her Lizard Person implantation so like everyone else who joined the Illuminati in their intergalactic quest, her body has been preserved in a light wax coating for all to

This man is all of us.

Ryan is trying to appear non-committal and will only make a decision on which way to lean as soon as it’s absolutely obvious that shit is going to come down or not. If it looks like Trump is going down, Ryan will claim he knew many things but didn’t disclose because of dignity of office, something, something, America,

Mueller’s barely started. He’s just beginning at the beginning. And following the money.

Yeah, I took that more as a kind of wonder about the whole thing (I REALLY hesitate to say innocent)... Just a, wow, he likes to hold my hand. Completely oblivious to that power play. But I also really think, no way he didn’t interpret that as the power play it was. Ugh.


Senator Luther Strange, who at 6 feet 9 inches, is the tallest member of the Senate.

Maybe we could get Hicks and Sanders to fight, as an undercard to the Sessions vs Trump brawl that I hope we see by the end of the year.

So there is a way to get free birth control from the gov’t?