Jeb! and the Holograms

Um, I get the point you’re making, but I’m not sure your counter-example makes sense. If the money is already spent, how can he be further robbed?

(maybe 3 times for sexy roleplay purposes)

Customers in San Antonio were so panicked that police told station WOIA that dispatchers had received 911 calls about the closure.

I’m 99.999% positive that’s a photoshopped Dril tweet.

Persecution complex + racist = “I’m one of you. Why you hatin’, bro? We gotta stick together.”

Personally, I’m rooting for the lighting rig to fall.

Well then you’ll be angry and one handed, but at least you’ll be full.

Fast forward to his Hall of Fame induction ceremony and this angry lil fella will shed a tear and write a Facebook post about how lucky he was to have gotten to watch him play.

Ah yes, it was one of the best receivers in the league’s fault that the Lions are a dumpster fire. Solid take.

Fake White Guilt is a helluva drug.

I’m rooting for Nate Diaz with the chair to knock them both out.

I agree. Even if this thing actually DOES end up being a Watergate-type implosion, that investigation took two years to even get to the point where Nixon felt threatened. Anyone expecting the entire Trump Administration in handcuffs by September is really stretching credulity.

You and I are of the same mind on this. The Russia investigation is fun to watch, but I’ve absolutely no expectation that it will have a lasting affect on the GOP. At the most, it might lead to one or two resignations in the White House, but nothing more.

My son is a high quality person

I think this would be in relation to her giving interviews, etc. - it definitely can’t stop her from proceeding with a criminal complaint, the going through the legal process, etc. etc.

“Officer: Do you know how fast you were going back there, sir?

How else am I going to come up with a way to say I’m morally superior to people who don’t use standard issue racial pejoratives?

A good portion of “Latinos” prefer the term Hispanic. I’m Hispanic and I prefer the term Hispanic. It drives me nuts being called “Latino” — or even worse — “Latinx.”