Jeb! and the Holograms

That’s what I was thinking too. Also, her English isn’t that great she might have misunderstood the tweet.

No, I never wondered that, because despite what a complete anus full of frogs he may be, it would never occur to me that such a thing might be possible.

Sorry but no. He ran for president because he’s a narcissist and truly thinks he is the answer.


I came on to say fuck off susan saradon, but you did it much more eloquently. Bravo

Oh, but how will she ever find the time to make that money, what with her grabbing a rifle and being on the front lines of this “revolution” she promises Trump will lead to, that was so much better than a boring incrementalist?

She’s the reason I haven’t watched Feud yet. Her face annoys me because she has yet to stop being pompous and idiotic about politics in a public forum.

In fact, Sarandon probably stands to gain a great deal financially from Trump’s presidency.

She needs to go back to playing ping pong and hanging out with younger men. She was my idol then. Now? She can go hang out with other old ladies drinking Chardonnay at noon and complaining about shit.

One of these guys could have left Buffalo ten days ago and one could have left two days ago yet both of them are still inexplicably still in Buffalo.

They finally came across some drafts they can handle.

I didn’t mind his A-Train run in 2003. In terms of midcard heel hoss, he was fine.

*actually beat John Cena with this gimmick*

Now playing

Still a lesser crime to society than X-Factor

The Latinx and Leon Spinks are racing for pinks against Jar Jar Binks.

While listening to Inxs?

Latinx are takinx these pix?

My guess is that he knows his political career is donezo, and he’s banking on a career in lobbying. The pharma industry is pretty big in New Joisey, and he’s probably using this pointless grandstanding as a resume.

Vince doesn’t “get” Bray, and never will. The possibility of Bray either:

A clean win every now and then wouldn’t hurt Bray either.