Jeb! and the Holograms

He’s been practically begging China to solve this for him.

The “logic” is that Trump is only acting crazy to make him seem unpredictable and unhinged, thereby causing the enemy to think twice about not wanting to mess with him and just give in to his demands.

Honestly, this is pretty much in line with how Trump’s old man trained him in his slumlord days. An old-fashioned protection racket is a big profit center for shitlarks like them.

How long have you been sitting on this Barry? And how hard has it been to not run it until now?

Close to zero. If he were going to die mysteriously it’d have been in the long quiet period between his resignation and his plea for immunity, when the press was otherwise ignoring him. Now too many eyes are on him, and having something happen to him that’s at all traceable is act-of-war territory. Too risky for too

No surprise really though. Fox grew because of Obama as it had an “enemy” in the WH. Now the more liberal/Democrat media will get a massive boost out of Trump in the same way.

It’s paranoia. Not every crisis and conspiracy has to be connected, no matter how valid they are. The Russians certainly interfered with our election to get Trump into office, but that doesn’t mean there’s this grand endgame of x+y=z (or WW3 if you will). The threat of escalation with NK is valid and the

Trump does seem to be listening to the military guys he picked, notably General Mattis. They’re unlikely to be supporting any desire he might have for a hot war with North Korea, as there’s no way to keep the North from shelling the bejesus out of the South. (This is often referred to as “flattening Seoul” or some

That would imply that Trump can keep his focus for any length of time. His administration has been characterized by ADD-like inablity to sit down and get shit done. He bounces from one random thing to another without rhyme or reason. Hell, he just started a trade war with Canada over issues he can’t possibly win

While I’m not a doctor and so this absolutely shouldn’t be taken as authoritative, I’m under the impression that that’s not quite true. It’s definitely significantly more difficult to cause postmortem bruising, but IIRC, sufficient force on an area of the body where blood has pooled can still cause the appearance of

It was apparently very short and useless. The Donald was only there for ~5 minutes.

I disagree. I think it’s just like the housing market, and will just rise in perpetuity without ever losing value.

And once that happens, there are a lot of chips that will fall. All these expensive stadiums, for instance.

I think it’s probably peaking. When I was younger I feel like everyone of every age was interested in sports. Now, as a 30-something, I see my peers still interested in sports, but less of them than when I was in my 20's, and I don’t see the sort of mass appeal among 20-somethings that sports (especially the NFL) use

You know what might have actually helped in the long term? Cutting the executives, some of whom are surely making some pretty large salaries, who decided overpaying for TV rights was a good idea.

I think it’s been pretty widely reported in the past that he’s been a saver, not a spender. Last year Ian Rappaport claimed Lynch hadn’t spent a single dime of his actual playing money to that point, apparently relying on investment and endorsement income. Which if true, means he’s probably already set for life with

Bored or just loves Oakland that much. By most accounts he did not go wild with spending his millions so he’s pretty much set for life.

i don’t think the dude is broke.