Jeb! and the Holograms

And to whatever asshole I dismissed, yes, Sterling made a fortune off the forced sale. He was never not going to because he OWNED THE FUCKING TEAM.

Yeah, I don’t get that. The NFL and CERTAINLY the NHL draw more from a white, conservative fanbase than the goddamned NBA, who I have to believe draw from more of a liberal and black fanbase than any other sport.

Fuck off, Adam Silver. I thought you were cool after the Sterling move.

Also, as heartless as it sounds, this is not a zero-sum game. People are going to die regardless and you’re going to see/hear stories about how ____ may not have died if it wasn’t for “Obama’s death panels” or “Trumpcare,” but the reality is that people die every day. You can’t save them all and you don’t want to be a

Clearly not.

OK, I’ll put your dinner in the fridge and you can have it if you get hungry later.

Well, since YOU can’t imagine it, clearly it could never happen.

OK, well, not to sound TOO much like a parent explaining to their toddler that we’re not having ice cream for dinner, but that’s not an option that’s on the table right now. So do you want Obamacare to keep working (“eat the broccoli and rice”) and maybe we’ll get single-payer (“ice cream”) later, or do you want


Touchè. Although I don’t know if that was a soft focus rehab interview as much as synergistic cross-promotion for NBC’S new Menendez miniseries.

You have to remember, Gawker does this shit and always has. Some sites are better about it than others, but they all troll their reader bases at times and Jezebel’s always had a “snide, catty bitch” undertone to it.

Get back to work, maybe?

Same reason they call them “dramas” and not “scripted acting exhibitions.”

This is “Jane’s” thing. I kind of wonder if this column is a tongue in cheek troll, because Jane’s never hit higher than “basically good advice phrased badly.”

I don’t see the kids’ ages mentioned, but if they’re old enough to understand what racism is, you just... tell them?

Isn’t he in prison? Too controversial. Can’t do the soft-focus rehab interview via phone.

She’s totally gonna interview OJ, by the way. I mean, I dunno if he’s game, but he’s a narcissist, so probably.

PUBLICLY support him, you mean. And they won’t, because they only voted for him because RACISM/SEXISM, but they’re smart enough to know those are indefensible positions.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t know Puerto Rico was a US territory until two weeks ago.

I would like to hear everyone who’s filling their diaper over the anthem protests recite (not sing) the lyrics and name the writer. I really would.