Jeb! and the Holograms

Also, JESUS, the dismissed Banksy fanboys and fangals. Get a life.

As me, I don’t give a shit what you resent.

Well, let him do that and leave the kindergarten art projects behind.

Woe be that I have but one star to give.

That’s how you maintain anonymity. If you look like every other British dude walking down the street, how does anyone notice you?

Well, this man is ONE of the Banksys (Banksies? Banksii?). It’s obviously more than one person. It’s a collective operating as a single identity. That’s exactly what pretentious fart-sniffers like Banksy would do.

In all likelihood, they’re Schrödinger’s Tapes. It’s fair to assume that every single throat clearing and fart the president engages in is taped (or at the very least, monitored) by a government agency that even the president may not be fully aware of, but that would never be officially confirmed and certainly a man

They may or may not, but until the vote happens, any speculation on the matter is worth exactly what it cost you to read those articles.

Because voters LIKE the job they’re doing, just like you probably like your democratic congresspeople (assuming you have any).

If there’s one thing I know about politicians (and people in general), it’s that they love volunteering to put themselves out of work.

Those look way too similar to thumbnails I have absolutely not seen on Pornhub.

Yep. Bipartisanship is a fancy word for compromise. In a vacuum, there’s nothing wrong with compromise. We’re all taught growing up (those of us that don’t grow up to be complete assholes) that compromise is key to, well, everything. We both want opposing things? Well, if I let you get what you want next time, will

I think Lebron totally believes that he can beat the Warriors again. I don’t necessarily think he believes the Cavs are or soon again will be the team he needs to be on to do it.

Enzo is... not good in the ring. I mean, I guess he doesn’t NEED to be to do the stomp-chinlock-flying bodypress matches the cruisers do now, but still.

“Listen, my skull rings and scarves are like my fucking children, man. Yes, I need them all and no, I will not sell them.”

I don’t believe any of these people are friends beyond “they don’t fly into a rage and attempt to gouge each other’s eyes out upon sight,” but to each their own.

Yep. We go through this as a society every so often where we police and microanalyze the fuck out of everything before realizing that we’re getting a little crazy, pulling back a bit and setting the “lines” that shouldn’t be crossed at a new but reasonable location. Reeeeeeeeealy beyond ready for that self-correction

I honestly don’t know if the money of fame is worth being watched like a hawk 24/7 for absolutely anything you could be crucified for if someone feels self-righteous and wants it enough. The only way to handle that would be to become a complete asshole who doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks and there’s a very thin

“I had considered setting fire to the lobby, but we mutually decided that I should simply leave.”