Jeb! and the Holograms

Yes, but are we at the point where the right is openly admitting that Putin helped tip the scales?

Nothing is, ever has been or ever will be erased from history because time travel isn’t real.

What does Russia have to do with any of this? Is it just racist right wing madlibs at this point?

Blah, blah, blah. Go prattle to someone who cares.

Blow me.

I’ve reached the point where if you smoke, at all, even “responsibly,” I think less of you and want nothing to do with you. It’s like being a child molester to me.

No excuse.

There’d be a certain cosmic poetry to that video ending in a fatal crash.

That is absolutely true. The window of wacky shit you can pull off fashion-wise closes a little more with each passing day.

“I dunno, I just wake up looking like this.”

Like most things, grey/white hair can work, but you need the right skin tone/complexion and at that point, the hair becomes a part of your fashion as well. Things you could wear with brown/blond hair suddenly are absolute no-gos. There’s a very small sliver of people who can pull off that look and most of them are the

If you have a gap tooth and you don’t get it fixed, you’re a circus freak.

Sounds to me like Max Berlinger is attempting to influence the dating market and thin his competition by encouraging a uptick in the number of unibrowed Neanderthal looking motherfuckers.

I guess that matter would be up to a court to decide in 2018/2019. My gut says they could sue for a refund then since the promoter would have failed to deliver recompense guaranteed by the ticket (and of course, barring any liability-limiting language in the fine print of that offer).

Not yet, but it’s inevitable. They had no money to pay for logistics, no money to pay the musical acts and now no money for payroll. That means the venture is tits-up and broke. Add in the lawsuits and it’s only a matter of time (and more lawsuits over unpaid wages).

Yeah, uh, Breitbart got a lot of followers by telling them what they wanted to hear, too.

The same way any other shit-for-brains crazy person can: Twitter.

Good, good. Now, next has to be phones. After that, passengers under the age of 10. Next, passengers older than 50. Following that, one passenger per row. Finally, ban all passengers who are not me.

It depends. It’s shameful that a female gamer may need to toss another female gamer a fee just to be able to play online multiplayer without being assaulted with a barrage of misogyny and sexual harassment, but I get that and I get paying for the experience.