Jeb! and the Holograms

“...Black Hole Son...”

These electors are mulling over the idea of “voting their conscience.”

“There’s no easy fix.”

I will shit in a hat and wear it if this exact pairing doesn’t happen.


Mistakes were made.

*door flies open*

Nothing you’re saying is untrue, but you’re making the mistake so many informed people make when talking about her qualifications and record.

America might be ready for an Asian president, America might be ready for a disabled president and I think we clearly are ready for a female president, but an Asian disabled female president?

Pence would get the ~45% every republican gets and very little more than that. Remember, no one talked about Pence on the national level once before he agreed to be Trump’s bottom. The man had a lack of GOP support and a failing approval rating in Indiana. Indiana! The land of mayonnaise-stuffed country music fans who

Except that many people did and it’s one of the reasons he lost.

Has anyone been able to suss out the etymological thought process behind “cuck” becoming the hot new insult for dumb people? Like, I can’t figure it out at all.

I firmly believe that the GOP endgame here is to boot Trump and install Pence in his place. They’re just figuring out the best way to do it.


Yeah, no. China allows NK to continue to exist as a buffer between them and SK/Japan. They’re a little security barrier that China doesn’t have to pay for or maintain. They’re not going to tolerate NK actually being aggressive any more than anyone else.

That’s a myth. If China cripples our economy, they destroy their own. The debt in question is as silly and meaningless a point of debate as our national debt.

More to the point, no one is nuking anyone ever. It’s not going to happen nor is war over non-physical offenses all that likely. Cold wars and broken diplomatic relations over hurt feelings, absolutely, but there’s a zero percent chance of nuclear war and only a slightly higher one of actual war.

Pay them no mind. This person clearly needs a break from the Internet and possibly some lithium.

🎶Scaramucci, Scaramucci

If a gay headcase and a straight woman want to fake a relationship for personal/professional reasons, whatever, but man, don’t bring a kid into the shit.