Jeb! and the Holograms

Both lived, but one’s ability to believe in love died.

Can you tell me why you or anyone else would still be looking for logical consistency and/or pointing out a lack thereof in a campaign trademarked by these two things not mattering at all?

I believe there’s a non-zero chance that Melania she functionally illiterate in English. Like, she can pronounce words, form basic sentences and has a general understanding of what words are “good” or “bad,” but beyond that, she’s as clueless as a toddler.

She was hired as Trump’s current concubine specifically because of that look.

This lack of clarity, inexplicable confusion and general feeling of mental lethargy leads me to believe those involved with the NFL Concussion Protocol need to be put in the NFL Concussion Protocol.

1182 people, you mean. 1182 old people with nothing better to do than lock themselves in their echo chamber with Fox News/MSNBC on 24/7 and answer random polling phone calls.

I assume Louis had a shitty dad?

It’s pretty sad that the GOP is relying so heavily on the Russians, Wikileaks and the FBI to give them this election like a bunch of welfare queens looking for a handout. PUT THE DAMN WORK IN AND LIFT YOURSELVES BY YOUR OWN BOOTSTRAPS, YOU TAKERS.

I kinda like it. Like, those Trump lawn signs and bumper stickers? It’s nice to have a Worthless Racist Shitbag Registry. It lets me know which houses to avoid for trick or treating with my kid, I can easily cross-reference names against addresses to see who to avoid at school functions and whatnot, which houses to

They also found a piece of a plane windshield that matched the design of her aircraft and a shoe in her size and a brand she was known to wear.

To be fair, anyone who puts political signs on their lawn or bumper stickers on their car deserves that.

It is not legal in the US for a man to marry a robot.

“Revolution,” lol.

The timing confuses me. If the goal was to toss a wrench in the gears in the 11th hour, why do you dump the story in the Friday afternoon “lol don’t care it’s almost happy hour bitches” bin? Why would you not hold it for Monday morning to maximize the potential?

It doesn’t matter. It’s not going to swing the election and nobody’s getting punished in any way for any of this, regardless of whether or not any laws were broken. It’s just more hot air, bluster and empty threats, two things we’re all fairly tired of at this point.

And someone threw two more dildos behind that desk. Unbelievable.


“This is our beautiful and glorious new land. We shall call it... Nevada.”

How about we just do away with urinals, fill bathrooms with stalls and make them all unisex?

Don’t waste your time. People love to be dramatic and panic.