Jeb! and the Holograms

Who said “two?”

Bingo. This shit just ain’t workable anymore. It’s a fundamentally broken, bloated mess. Let’s get on with the split, let New England become it’s own thing with NY/NJ being the welcomed-if-somewhat-shunned tenants, let the Sun Belt create a monolith of economic failure and societal atrophy, let Arizona be their own

Who says the divide(s) would be A/B binary between liberals and conservatives?

This presupposes that I give a fuck about Texas or anything south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

I’ll nod to this, yeah.

So at what point can we start seriously talking about how we really shouldn’t be a single country?

But not really, though. You were a diehard #NeverHillary poster for a while and you were a Trump supporter for, like, 3 days, but you keep coming back to this well and I’m sad to say the well is running pretty dry.

So glad to see you’ve survived the Univision takeover, Tomato Face. It would have been nice to see a new gimmick, though.

Good to see Univision brought him in.

Anyone who puts ANY political bumper sticker on their car deserves to get run off the road, though.

The power of lip-syncing, you mean.

Would you want some asshole rando dropping into your living room to watch you?

; World Disgusted, Strangely Relieved Victim Was Of Legal Age

Yeah, no.

My kid went straight to walking. No idea.

Why is “i fuked ur mom lol” considered the pinnacle of insult humor by dumb young boys?

‘Gingrich also said, bafflingly, that there’s “a big Trump and a little Trump, and the little Trump is frankly pathetic.” Huh?’

According to Will, Coors wanted to do an ad buy with Gawker, but either Coors asked or Gawker asked preemptively for Will to tone down the criticism of Coors’ products. Will’s response, essentially, was “I’m just a freelancer who can get paid to write what I want elsewhere,” so they dumped him. Will seems to get why