Jeb! and the Holograms

Been IN?

Absolutely they are, as are any media outlets the candidates interact with.

Oh, Mr. McPhee, better men than you have tried to get Jay Cutler to give a fuck.

🎶Shine on, you crazy diamond🎶

Shocking that a Bern-Out sees the world in black and white. “Bernie was an empty, unelectable unicorn” is not a view that can only be held by Clinton supporters. Hell, I don’t even vote. Never have once and I ain’t about to start.

No, no, no. You’ve got it wrong.

A simple “you’re right” would suffice.

No one but Bernie supporters ever said anything about “her turn,” Bernie would be getting murdered by Trump because he’s an avowed socialist and while it won’t be a landslide (nothing will be again; the country is too polarized and roughly 45% of the population on each side would vote for a used diaper if it had a…

So once upon a time, there was a website named Gawker that liked to make concrete statements about people while attributing the info behind them to “anonymous sources...”

So, wait.

With any luck at all, Univision will can your ass.

Some of them, yes.

You know, I mean, you know.

It makes perfect sense when you consider that Jeb didn’t actually want to BE president; he just didn’t want to be the Bush who didn’t run for/become president.


Milk carton falls out of local man’s fridge, ISIS claims responsibility; FBI investigating whether additional kitchen appliances been radicalized.

Some lone asshole committing himself to ISIS by stabbing some people at a mall doesn’t, by strict definition, have ties to global terrorism, but it kinda does, you know?