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Considering that two of the banned words are “woman” and “female”, I’m surprised the number isn’t higher. Grants with human subjects will specify the sex of the people being recruited. Any study using vertebrate animals will also include the sexes to be used, and if only one sex is included a justification for that

The treatment of the clones is similar. They’re human beings with their own individual personalities, but they’re slaves and seen as disposable. 

The droid highlighted an issue that gets brought up in the animated shows a bit. Droids in the Star Wars universe are clearly fully sapient being with their own individual personalities, thoughts, and feelings. They value their own lives. But, most of the humanoid characters still treat them like appliances. Droids

The novel is already full of over the top emotion and insane behavior, so she’s a good fit for the material. 

If you see an empty car on an otherwise packed train, DO NOT ENTER THAT CAR. There’s going to be a damn good reason why no one is in there. 

Since nearly everyone “died” in the last movie, I still say this one should be about them in hell. They have to race the devil in supernatural muscle cars to go back to earth. The title is Faust and the Furious. 

Is that the one where her character pretends to be fucking her dad to impress some other guy?

There was an episode of Sliders where any ATM withdrawal was an entry in the lottery. The “winners” were killed and their heirs got the money. At least in Sliders the characters don’t know about it because they’re from a different universe. Its not plausible that California would enact this law and have regular

It was such a shame they backtracked on that story so hard. They had Elliot break through the mind control to tell Quinton he loved him. The quest to save Elliot becomes explicitly about Quinton getting back the guy he loves. But then the writers go, LOL psych! Quinton gets back with Alice and never sees Elliot again.

Its been a while, but I seem to remember that it was a different thing. The head was empty, and there were other things wrong with it. Other vampires that were locked away would look starved, but not be rotten. 

I stopped reading after the fifth book, but do they ever revisit the plot thread that there are other species of vampire out there? In the book Louis and Claudia come across a vampire that’s more like a mindless ghoul, and that never really got expanded on. 

Its not a “spoiler” for the trailer to show the basic premise of the movie. Abigail being a vampire wasn’t supposed to be a twist to the audience. Its just the plot of the movie. 

Jamie and Cerci are already the Blossoms taken to their natural conclusion. 

I can understand why it died, what was their hook going to be? Sansa is the one running the north and dealing with the political side of things. The major threat of the walkers is gone. Any magic weirdness is Bran’s territory. The wildlings don’t seem compelling enough to build a show around. 

Ringworld would need a lot of updating to make it palatable. Niven clearly did not like women at all. 

There was a blog post by a writer for one of the failed Old Man’s War adaptations talking about the terrible studio notes he got. The big one was that they weren’t satisfied with John Perry’s motivation for joining up and forced the writer to invent a dead daughter who wanted John to scatter her ashes in space.

That was my first thought too, way higher budget WNUF. 

The original was so over the top silly, which is what made it so entertaining.

I wonder about that too. I read the first book and found it a slog. The concepts were interesting, but everything around it was not good. The characters were extremely flat and poorly drawn. The whole thing was lacking any humanity, it was a series of thought experiments with some awful dialog in between. 

In the book he’s spared because people think that he authored a socialist poem.