Consumed by the all powerful Pit of Sarlac....
Consumed by the all powerful Pit of Sarlac....
Jumbo Cactuar has overpowered your team...
I agree. I think all of the Chevy trucks have been nice looking. Especially that trapezoidal, Darth Vader version.
Gerrymandering should be illegal. Period. There's not getting around it. It's meant to keep minorities out of power.
All cops are bad. It's inherent evil.
Don’t be an ass.
To take blood from an unconscious person without their consent is the same as any other form of taking advantage of an unwilling participant. These are the same judges who will one day say the rape was OK because the person gave consent just by going out.
You're a dumbass to even think about giving up civil liberties.
That's actually quite cheap in the world of high end pens.
Angel meets with Giles omun the library and scares him when he doesn't see his reflection.
More appropriation of culture just to water it down. Another example of liking something Mexican but not the people. His show and restaurant is just another cultural theft.
Not sure what teachers you've spoken with but all my academic coworkers at the schools I've worked in hate Common Core.
That's funny, I'd have thought a frosted mug was a hipster thing. Also, room temperature beer is better for a lot of drafts.
“Analog” desk? You mean a “desk?” you can call it a “computer” desk if it has a computer on it, but don’t call it analog. That’s just stupid. And don’t get me on how elitist it sounds to let the world know you've got two desks. Not everybody can afford that setup.
Typewriter and Mavis Beacon. I still double tap a space after I’m typingIand even texting. I teach middle school now and none of them can type. We used to offer a typing class, but not anymore.
It actually took me and my brother 3 years to finish the original.
Me too! I almost screamed and my wife is like, "you're 35" 😂😂
Hell's Yeah!
Looks like a first Gen Chevy Colorado and a Ford Raptor had a baby.
And white people will still continue to be a burden on the Mexican people due the illegal drug market that we as a people in the US keep asking for which in turn keeps the cartels working and increases the danger for Central and South American people that makes them want to migrate.