He’s teaching CRT by existing while not being white, according to this school board?
He’s teaching CRT by existing while not being white, according to this school board?
Didn’t Hopper already escape Russia? Thought his daughters went to pick him up while he was arm wrestling or something.
Seems that final line is calling Grimes a prostitute, and not in a “sex work is work” kind of way. I’m trying to think in what way that sentiment would be out of place on an MRA forum, and am coming up empty.
Who didn’t? :)
Someone probably should have foreseen this….
The right wing are the latecomers to this. Back in the 80s, it was the GOP being hostile to aid to Israel and Reagan creating diplomatic incidents by visiting Nazi cemeteries. You could regularly read columns by Pat Buchanan complaining about Israeli/AIPAC influence on US foreign policy, in terms that were…
oh noes she failed an impossible purity test, we’d better eat her
TBH I’d rather see Peyton Manning host again. He’s got his ESPN 2 show, the College Bowl show, and aren’t he & Eli hosting Monday Night Football now? Or was that a one off? If you come to Indpls he owns a couple restaurants, and he established a Children’s Hospital.
They’re bold enough to sign which means that they’re ok with us knowing their names. Make it public record.
How about for every Gabby Petito story Jezebel publishes, you publish two stories about BIPOC women who are missing and/or murdered?
No, Willie Garson! I have never seen SatC, nor will I, but he was great in White Collar.
This is a true inspiration to Republicans everywhere.
“It’s a lot of work...but not for me!” should be the entirety of that quote. How much do we really think Boris helped the various mothers out with the child-rearing, short of depositing checks? Granted, the current batch are probably just being raised by a nanny anyway, since the new wife is way too into interior…
Wait....this law is so bad you don’t even have to be a Texas resident to file suit? And the Supreme Court signed off on this horseshit. This country is so so fucked.
Yep—this is evidence of decency at play. Also it’s significant that this is a doctor who remembers the time before legal abortion. He’s seen the consequences.
What a mensch. godspeed doctor.
On a related note, it’s worth remembering that covid infections in pregnant women increase maternal mortality, miscarriage, and sundry other complications for mother and child.
Yet I suspect that many of the so called “pro-life” advocates championing the Texas law are among the ranks of the unvaccinated and oppose…
Ford dealers are also why Lincoln is nowhere near as successful as it should be.
“America” is an ancient word for “land of useless and parasitic middle men”.