Yeah, the reported cases of flu in my state went down by 90% this past year. Even assuming some of them were covid scares and folks being afraid to seek a doctor, the mask mandates seem to have had some good side effects.
Yeah, the reported cases of flu in my state went down by 90% this past year. Even assuming some of them were covid scares and folks being afraid to seek a doctor, the mask mandates seem to have had some good side effects.
IMO it would be interesting to start by comparing the signatures collected for Davis’ recall vs. Newsom’s. Then look at the GOP slate of viable candidates. Are we going to see the return of Devin Nunes’ Cow to the discourse? Newsom can do something to shore up his score by going hard in preparing for the next fire…
This is partially true. I'm vaccinated and I have an adverse impact on the unvaccinated: if they don't want to get vaccinated I tell them to fuck off.
It's no use making any jokes about Dahm because the punchline is always his dad's failure to pull out that one time.
Now we know Lorne’s grandkids talked him into buying a bunch of Dogecoin.
All this is starting to get a “Let’s get it while the gettin’s good” vibe coming from the cops. Like Chauvin’s verdict is telling them to get their shots in before consequences become the norm not the exception.
1) watch out for the bad-faith people who will twist any disagreement with Jenner’s policy positions into “lol transphobe”.
Is Bieber singing his own songs to prisoners not ruled cruel and unusual punishment by the Supreme Court yet? Shit, Cavanaugh probably said “let their ears bleed!”.
So....a broke dumbass Tony who doesn’t create villains and leave a trail of dead bodies in the wake of his hubris?
I see Ignatiy is going straight for GENTLEMAN'S FATALITY on this movie.
If you ever see a person in a good mood and you want to kill that good mood, the header picture there is going to bat 1.000.
So you're saying that halting production of books written or otherwise produced by shitty men could save a lot of trees? Yeah I'm good with that.
Maybe she was really itchy under her breasts and the scratch was THAT satisfying?
That would read "Jim Caviezel Goes On 3 Hour Coke-Fueled Rant That Concludes Trump Is A Grifter Using Conspiracy Idiots As Marks".
“68.33% Mayosapien, 31.06% HGH cocktail, and 0.60%...Scottish?"
Indiana Jones and the Peer Review Committee
He just wanted to make a fist-sized death star so he can mangle someone’s taint with a gravitational anomaly.
Wait til Kennedy finds out how many cops are hitting the pipe.
I think the part they don’t condone is the “getting videotaped” part, not the “harassing and assaulting a Black person” part.
I think the part they don’t condone is the “getting videotaped” part, not the “harassing and assaulting a Black person” part.