Electric utilities have been putting large battery banks in for decades, usually as backup for solar, because the panels can shade and lower the solar heating exposure on batteries.
Electric utilities have been putting large battery banks in for decades, usually as backup for solar, because the panels can shade and lower the solar heating exposure on batteries.
So...your point is the traditions that she felt under-prepared for were her responsibility to look up? Ok. I can take or leave it. What I find more fascinating would be whether those preparations were similarly left to Kate to look up, or if she got a different treatment, and if so, why. Remember that in the interview…
They could have really used an interviewer who would have pushed back or tried to make them clarify their statements more. Now everyone is going to fixate on them whining about Archie’s title, but Harry tried to steer it towards security concerns while leaving it nebulous.
If you're taking her words at face value, her issue wasn't that she didn't know and had to Google shit. It's that she felt she didn't receive support from the institution she was about to join, and googling became her last minute option on the archaic shit like Church of England hymns. Basically the thrust of the…
“American Flags", like the one with the snake? stars and bars? T***p flags? or that giant letter Q on a t-shirt?
I’ve had a few tough conversations with clients, sometimes when a fuck-up is about to blow, sometimes when a competitor or my own company is cutting corners that can cause long term harm.
Because of how a lot of East Asian (Chinese included) cultures still stick to a very monochromatic view of beauty standards, people with the right “look” are usually from middle or upper-middle classes. There’s also the fad of half-Asian, half-European/American celebs that wax and wane but never really goes away. That…
Dammit, now I miss the days when my exposure to the word ‘woke’ is whenever Mike Yard goes on Larry Wilmore’s show.
Should have said “That’s douchebag thinking”.
This reads like Veep (or going back further, The Thick of It) but with poofier shirts. One can only hope the rants are as good as Malcolm Tucker’s.
I would expect nothing less.
I will only accept this if there's a food fight scene in the Hall of Justice soundtracked with Tears For Fears' Everybody Wants to Rule the World. And the song cuts off when Superman accidentally decapitated Batman with a slice of cheese pizza.
Ben’s got that classic “motherfuckers if you’re going to make money of these photos the least you can do is help” look.
Huh. I figured there’d be at least one WHO’S THE FREDO NOW BITCH in there somewhere, followed by Chris Cuomo blowing kisses at his unseen assistant, for whom we all sympathy-cringe.
Now I’m starting to think that stockpiling base spec Kia Rios and Toyota Yarises is a good 10-year investment.
I have attempted to play indoor soccer in actual clown shoes once, naturally on a drunken dare. Can confirm it’s hilarious. Also 80/20 chance it will fuck up your ankles.
[Lauren Boebert has entered the chat]
This is how I will easily take any woman’s words over Cuomo’s: his look of satisfaction in response to her look of horror. He gets off on flexing his power over women.
“Also, I might have committed light treason.”
Look on the bright side: at least this incel didn’t graduate to mass shooting, yet.