The Holy Hand Grenade

Meanwhile, furiously masturbating as a congressional page chants “decorum, decorum”, ______. (Insert usual suspect here)

With people having called Katherine Heigl every name under the sun, I hope they’re starting to think that the dudes around her career were the problem.

I’m going to say “Donald Junior Cosplayer”.

Most Famous Real Housewife” sounds appropriately bleak for our times.

I reject any hypotheses that Rudy was ever in a state of grace from which he fell. He's been bottom-feeding since the 80s at least.

After watching her in Hanibal, American Gods (S1 in Bowie drag!) and The Fall, I’m left wondering how in the hell can she keep getting more and more luminous with time. Like calling her beautiful or sexy will be too crass and shit.

Huh, I thought CPAC was usually held around DC.

The kid huffing glue before sunrise somehow made a bigger impression on me, I guess.

High school, on my way to school on a public bus. Got up at 5AM and couldn’t sleep, so I got on the bus at 5.30. It’s still dark and the bus had 3 riders. I sat on the long rear bench.

I think the anecdote about Tiffany making and cancelling reservations is hiding some really sad stories.

Honestly now I want to see the group texts after the NYT leak. Gotta be some good “Texas loyalty” screeds in there.

This vaguely feels like Rubio trying to leak stuff out to salt the earth for when she declares to run.

69 miles each way. I’m disappointed nobody answered with this yet.

This will end up similar to how TX are handling covid: if it hurts black and brown people AND libs hate it AND it drives up the prices of oil and gas, anyone with (R) Texas is for it. Covid only had 2 out of 3 of those. what you’re saying is we should add a stripper pole to the Senate floor and/or take bets on whether Graham and McConnell will do ass-to-ass for their big boy?

I saw the Conway audition and it was just a toxic cloud of grossness enveloping this kid. When the dad started up with the tears I literally yelled “get the fuck outta here” at the screen. Then KellyAnne popped up on the jumbotron. That’s the point I realized I wouldn’t be watching another minute of this fucking show.

I had that happen driving around the roads on the Marin County side of the Golden Gate bridge. In a minivan full of senior relatives who were so nervous they got me shitting bricks right with them.

Did he ask the agent how much to include the guns and durable foods? Seller might offer a Fellow Traveler Discount.

That bar is now slightly below the bottom of a pit mine.

I expected 55-45, so it was mildly pleasant for me.