The Holy Hand Grenade

He’s just saying that because he’s happy his ancestors were brought here as slave-owners.

I can tell you where to send new Great Moments In Poop History entries, but I’ll probably be banned from Kinja for doing so.

All very salient points. Thanks!

I’m a pretty gross dude when I’m at home back when I was single, but I will channel Gunnery Sargent Hartman from Full Metal Jacket over this stuff, because the logic is simple: you don’t want to deal with my mess, don’t make me deal with yours.

This sort of tracks with my experience that a lot of men (fewer but nonzero women too) ABSOLUTELY NEVER LEARNED HOW TO USE THE TOILET LIKE A REAL ADULT IN A SHARED SPACE.

The first night I stayed in Seoul, we randomly went into a restaurant that turns out to have a whole menu section of budae jjigae, except they used a homemade kimchi base for the soup.

To be fair, none of us has heard of the Q Shaman guy, the Auschwitz guy, the lectern guy, the Racist Olympian guy, the Ziptie Guy, or a bunch of other guys, before last Wednesday either. And we probably wish we’d never had reason to learn about these people in the first place.

He’s on the dick-kicking list for his crimes against culture and human intelligence already.

If she keeps floating you might have to snake the drain before flushing.

1) Mark Burnett, the guy who produced it.

In several developing countries, there have been real deadly clashes over golf course construction. This is because they usually bulldoze indigenous populations or siphon potable water away from poor communities to run those courses. Also 80% of them are owned/operated/approved by the local dictator, so they become

Cancel? I would time-travel to kick Fred Sr. in the dick and balls until they stop working if I could.

Did anyone come up with an “It’s actually HUNG Mike Pence, y’know because he’s generously girthed” excuse yet?

His anti-mask stance can be kinda, sorta traced to his whiteness, so he walked the long way to being tangentially correct, but probably not the way he intended.

Add bio-terrorism and reckless endangerment to their sedition, rioting, inciting, and espionage charges, I guess.

I will probably laugh for eight days straight if we have a “Stacey Abrams Hired To Save Star Wars” headline in the future.

I would have watched the clip if you said Gayle reached out through the Zoom server to smack this person.

“In this war on my own dick and balls, I REFUSE TO BE OUTGUNNED"

She should tell us more about how her experiences as a hospital executive in Chicago really helped her adjust to the White House.

Look, you can’t claim “rapper boyfriend” points if he was a white trust fund baby from Huntington Beach who “discovered the culture” and has the flow of a thrice-xeroxed Vanilla Ice CD liner.