
Nice touch on mentioning a sport where rec specs are encouraged. I see you, Kirk.


All these years I've been led to believe it's Chris Paul.

The form actually isn’t so bad. He looks awkward at first, but has a pretty good follow through. It should also be noted that it’s pretty hard to extend your arms for a proper jumpshot while wearing a tucked in dress shirt.

Well done today. You’ve done Yeoman’s work.

The diamond cutter would beg to differ. Known to snap a man’s jaw just thinking about it. Real as Fuck and way more versatile. The stunner is for old men with no country. The stunner might be the only other real move ever, but The diamond cutter is the best real move.

I’ve enjoyed you here today.

The dedication is commendable.

I love this.

I almost shattered my tailbone giving a kid the stunner in high school. We were filming a fight scene and I went all out and did on a tiled floor. it looked AWESOME but man did it hurt. Luckily it was just a bruise that made sitting hurt for a week. The other guy was fine.

You know, your first reply that I saw with the whole “stunner is real” thing made me roll my eyes. Then the second did too. But the sheer volume of them, over and over again “yea, what a bunch of fake shit, except the stunner, of course” is what got me. By the time I hit this one I actually laughed audibly. There’s a

I haven’t been a fan of wrestling since I was like 5, but it still features great athletes. Why knock people who enjoy the storylines, elite athleticism and general mayhem that wrestling features.

Simmons has to do a “whatever the hell they will call his ‘30 for 30'” on those poor, innocent sports entertainers who were just performing for the crowd and got brutally Stunned into CTE Land.

I don’t know why you’re doing this, but I love it.

Only the original Stone Cold Stunner is real and capable of propelling a man over the top rope by the sheer impact. Everyone else is just faking. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!

The same thing people get out of watching reality TV?

Apparently you aren’t allowed to enjoy movies and TV shows because they aren’t real either.

Hooray, another thread where the Deadspin commentariat can feel like they’re blowing our minds by telling us that wrestling isn’t a legit sport!

this is fucking dumb dude. everyone knows that only the Stunner is real